Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Term Starts on 14 December 2012

In order to get in a minimum of eight, and possible ten sessions without a break we should start the new term on 14 September, with the option to have a couple of extras in December.
Ideas for this term include, 'Think Again,' which is about taking your first thought but giving it a twist.
We have thought about economy of language before but I bet you don't know which famous author said that his best work was a six word story! I have used Louise Doughty's column again for a couple of ideas, a three word starter and 'bad writing' which is about over use of adjectives and cliche. I am going to reuse a couple of very old sessions, as we have said before it is interesting to see how those who have seen them before tackle them as their writing has developed over time, and they will be new to some members anyway. We might have a look at verbs of movement, how many can you think of off the top of your head?

Having classes at my apartment seemed to work all right earlier in the year so I propose to hold the sessions there again, at the same time, 11.00 till 13.00 on Fridays. I have a small prize to present for the story competition from last term on Week 1. We are to have Lena back with us, arriving on the island on 27 September and hoping to join us for a couple of sessions from 28 September. (Pencil in 28 September for lunch after the session, Lena is on holiday after all!)

We could accommodate a couple of extra people, especially as one or two will not be back for the first couple of weeks. So, if you know anyone who is interested please encourage them to consider joining us. They have nothing to lose if they decide after a few sessions that it is not for them, there is no obligation to sign up for a  set number of sessions and if other commitments mean that they cannot come every week that should not be too much of a problem.

Looking forward to seeing as many as possible of the old crew on the 14th.

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